I have registered both preImage,postImage, and I am tiggring plugin on following conditions
Message: Update
Filterin Attributes: All Attributes
Run in User Context = calling user
Event pipline stage of operation : Pose Operation
And its Synchronus, Child pipeline , Server
I double checked the attribute name and its correct, but when I use
tracing.Trace(fetchedAttributeName+":::::::::::::::::::PreEntityImage::" + preEntityImage.Attributes.Contains(fetchedAttributeName) + ":::PostEntityImage:::" + postEntityImage.Attributes.Contains(fetchedAttributeName)::::+ ":::EntityImage::::::" + entity.Attributes.Contains(fetchedAttributeName));
I am getting following in log
is there anything kind of field security or any other reason for this??? I am getting all other fields....
Thanks Regards Prashanth Kamasamudram Even the least work done for others awakens the power within; even thinking the least good of others gradually instills into the heart the strength of a lion.