I am new to queryexpression and need help with modifying my query expression below:
newCondition1 = new ConditionExpression()
AttributeName = "record1id",
Operator = ConditionOperator.Equal,
Values = { contactid }
newCondition2 = new ConditionExpression("record1id", ConditionOperator.In, list.Cast<object>().ToArray());
FilterExpression newFilter = new FilterExpression()
FilterOperator = LogicalOperator.Or,
Conditions = { newCondition1, newCondition2 }
The above query works. What I need to do here is to add a couple of And conditions to the newCondition 1 and newCondition2 which is to check for the statecode to make sure it is 0 (retrieve active records only).
How do I add the And without causing issue with the Or specified above.
This site is great and I have received wonderful helps before. I hope someone (a query expression expert) look at this and provide the help/answer.
Thank you very much for your time.