Hi Everyone.
I have a problem. I am using the Simplified connection to connect to office 365.. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/jj602970.aspx
However, I get an error "The connection's device credentials must be specified." when I run this LINQ Query.
public string GetConfigValue(string key, IOrganizationService service) { var ocontext = new OrganizationServiceContext(service); var priorityMatrix = (from itil in ocontext.CreateQuery("apitil_itilsetting") where (string)itil["apitil_key"] == key&& itil["apitil_key"] != null&& itil["apitil_value"] != null&& ((OptionSetValue)itil["statuscode"]).Value == 1 select new { priorityMx = itil["apitil_value"] } ).FirstOrDefault(); return priorityMatrix != null ? priorityMatrix.priorityMx.ToString() : null; }Do I really need the device ID and device password in my app.config file? I thought the authentication of the office365 does not need this?