The organisation I have just started work for has set up Accounts for Groups/Organisations and Contact record for Indivduals that they do business with. This has caused many headaches as the customer service team have to search 2 tables to potentially find the correct record and many customer duplicates have been added to the system in the past.
They have asked me to make this a more Account Based CRM system where Accounts are used for all CUSTOMERS (groups/organisations/individuals) and contacts are used for the employees that work for the organisation only. The changes to the structure to make this happen going forward is a relatively simple change however I am struggling with the data migration as I can only find references of people migrating from another system into the CRM or to do with upgrading to CRM2011 (which will be the next project after this issue has been resolved),
I need a good way of transferring ALL data from contacts to accounts including NOTES and RELATED ENTITES that may be associated with the contact (Custom and System relationships). I can not see a simple cvs file doing the trick as there are over 150,000 records that need migration.
Also is it possible to retain the GUID?
This is required to talk to external systems via web services. Any ideas would be a big help.