I have tried several things but using crmservices im getting stuck. In the code below im updating a record, but I also want to set its status to deactivated
For Each FMList As new_facilitymanagementprocessinglist In LookupResultSet.BusinessEntities Dim updaterecord As New new_facilitiesmanagement_processing() updaterecord.new_facilitiesmanagement_processingid = New Key() updaterecord.new_facilitiesmanagement_processingid.Value = New Guid(RecordId.Value.ToString) Using sw = New StreamWriter(ImputErrorPath & "importweeklyProcessing.txt", True) sw.WriteLine("2 RECORD FOUND " & FMList.new_facilitymanagementprocessinglistid.Value.ToString) End Using Dim NewLookup As New Lookup() NewLookup.Value = New Guid(FMList.new_facilitymanagementprocessinglistid.Value.ToString) NewLookup.type = EntityName.new_facilitymanagementprocessinglist.ToString updaterecord.new_statementid = NewLookup crmService.Update(updaterecord) Next End If
Dont ask me .. i dont know