I have a iframe where the contractors are added and a list is updated.
After rollup 14 this update to the list is not working.
Please can someone rewrite the fetchxml that's not working.
I get a null value returned for the RetriveMultiEntityRequest(sFetchXml);
" var aoFetchResult = RetriveMultiEntityRequest(sFetchXml);"
function UpdateOppContractor() {
var service;
var orgname = "";
try {
// Get the Server URL
var serverurl = Xrm.Page.context.getServerUrl();
// If Form Type is CREATE
if (Xrm.Page.ui.getFormType() == 1) {
//define a fetchxml query that returns only the current user.
var sFetchXml = "<fetch mapping='logical' count='100' version='1.0'><entity name='ascent_teammates'><attribute name='ascent_name' /><order attribute='ascent_name' /><link-entity name='bah_opportunity_ascent_teammates_pc'
from='ascent_teammatesid' to='ascent_teammatesid'><filter><condition attribute='opportunityid' operator='eq' value='" + Xrm.Page.data.entity.getId() + "' /></filter></link-entity></entity></fetch>";
var aoFetchResult = RetriveMultiEntityRequest(sFetchXml);
var aoOrigResult = aoFetchResult; // HCC Store this for later
var strTeammateNames = new String();
var attribs;
if (aoOrigResult.length == 0) {
// alert("Missing config record \n\tclaimantid >> "+claimantid);
//do nothing
else {
var i = 0;
for (a = 0; a < aoFetchResult.length; a++) {
if (aoFetchResult[a].ascent_name != null) {
if (i == 0) {
strTeammateNames += aoFetchResult[a].ascent_name;
else {
strTeammateNames += "," + aoFetchResult[a].ascent_name;
} //end of for loop
/// For Loop for entity collection
} //end of out
Xrm.Page.getAttribute("hcc_primecontractorlist").setValue(strTeammateNames.substr(0, 4000));
// Xrm.Page.getAttribute("hcc_primecontractorlist").setSubmitMode("always");
if (aoOrigResult.length == 0) {
Xrm.Page.getAttribute("hcc_primecontractorlist").setValue(null); //HCC Added to clear list if iframe is empty
catch (e) {
alert("UpdateOppContractor>>>>> " + e.Description);