I am looking for a way to consume the REST (ODATA) CRM services from (in my case) a JAVA client.
I have succesfully created a client that consume the SOAP services, but OData (and corresponding ATOM feeds) seems much friendlier for our use cases.
I found this topic: http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/a3f98e18-f643-4657-b5c6-434816d152dc/odata-service-with-forms-authentication-from-php-client?forum=adodotnetdataservices
If I need to follow the approach described there, what should be the URL (containing Authentication_JSON_AppService.axd )for CRM Online ?
If this is my startpoint (works in a browser)
What would be URL to post my (onmicrosoft.com) credentials to ?
---- alternative ---
I have tried to mimic a browser (posting data and cookies to login.microsoftonline.com ), but there I get stuck with the message:
JavaScript required to sign in