How can I run a LINQ query in a silverlight application that will generate a list of a local class?
For example in server side code I have something like;
public static List<TeamDescription> ListLeaveTeams2(IOrganizationService service, Guid userid) { List<TeamDescription> qtu = new List<TeamDescription>(); // context for query MyContext ctx = new MyContext(service); // a query to list all teams var queryTeams = from tm in ctx.TeamMembershipSet join u in ctx.SystemUserSet on tm.SystemUserId.Value equals u.SystemUserId.Value join t in ctx.TeamSet on tm.TeamId.Value equals t.Id where (tm.SystemUserId == userid) where t.AdministratorId.Id != userid select new TeamDescription(tm.TeamId, t.Name, u.FullName, tm.SystemUserId.Value, t.AdministratorId.Id); // Some loop through that data - must be a better way to do this! foreach (TeamDescription team in queryTeams) { qtu.Add(team); } return qtu; }
And that works, qtu is a list of the local class TeamDescription. I am trying to do something similar in a silverlight application. e.g.;
binding = new DataServiceCollection<CaseView>(); binding.LoadCompleted += new EventHandler<LoadCompletedEventArgs>(Cases_LoadCompleted); var query = from c in config.context.IncidentSet select new CaseView() { CustomerName = c.CustomerId.Name, Description = c.Description, CaseNumber = c.TicketNumber, ServiceLevel = c.PriorityCode.ToString(), LoggedTime = c.CreatedOn.Value, ResolveBy = c.qubic_servicemoule_fixdeadline.Value, Status = c.qubic_case_Status.ToString(), Queue = c.qubic_servicemodule_Queue.Name, Owner = c.OwningUser.Name }; binding.LoadAsync(query);
and I get all kind of errors, Unable to bind to c.CustomerID.Name, property names must be identical etc.
How can I create a list of my local custom class in silverlight and linq