I have defined custom entities to save course and contact enrollments.
Each course entity has on-to-many enrollments and each enroll entity has a reference to a contact.
I want to get mobilephone number of each contact and show them as in a sliverlight web resource.
Here is the way I get mobilephones:
List<string> _mobileNos;
private void GetEnrolls(Guid id)
DataServiceQuery<new_enroll> query = (DataServiceQuery<new_enroll>)_context
.new_enrollSet.Where<new_enroll>(a => a.new_course.Id == id);
query.BeginExecute(OnRetrieveEnrollsComplete, query);
catch (DataServiceQueryException dsqe)
_syncContext.Send(new SendOrPostCallback(showErrorDetails), dsqe);
private void OnRetrieveEnrollsComplete(IAsyncResult result)
//Retrieve the query that was
DataServiceQuery<new_enroll> results = result.AsyncState as DataServiceQuery<new_enroll>;
//Create a collection of Accounts and set it equal to the query result
ObservableCollection<new_enroll> _enrolls =
new DataServiceCollection<new_enroll>(results.EndExecute(result));
var dlg=new MobileListDelegate(GetMobilesOfEachContact);
IAsyncResult asyncresult = dlg.BeginInvoke(_enrolls,FillMobileCompleted,null);
private void FillMobileCompleted()
//MobileListDelegate dlg = (MobileListDelegate)((AsyncResult)result).AsyncDelegate;
string x = null;
if (_mobileNos.Count == 0)
x = " List Is Null";
foreach (var item in _mobileNos)
x += item + " , ";
NumberOfEnrolls.Text += x;
private void GetMobilesOfEachContact(ObservableCollection<new_enroll> _enrolls)
_mobileNos = new List<string>();
foreach (var item in _enrolls)
private void GetContactMobile(Guid? contactId)
if (contactId.HasValue)
DataServiceQuery<Contact> query = (DataServiceQuery<Contact>)_context
.ContactSet.Where<Contact>(a => a.ContactId == contactId);
query.BeginExecute(OnRetrieveMobileComplete, query);
private void OnRetrieveMobileComplete(IAsyncResult result)
DataServiceQuery<Contact> results =
result.AsyncState as DataServiceQuery<Contact>;
Contact retrivedcontact = new DataServiceCollection<Contact>(results
catch (DataServiceQueryException dsqe)
_syncContext.Send(new SendOrPostCallback(showErrorDetails), dsqe);
First Of All, I cant have AsyncResult in sliverlight as it seems, even without referencing this class, the code never reaches
I also tried calling endinvoke right after beigninvoke but did not help.
I also used background worker, but it doesn`t help me, and , and string list is still empty.
I have defined custom entities to save course and contact enrollments.
Each course entity has on-to-many enrollments and each enroll entity has a reference to a contact.
I want to get mobilephone number of each contact and show them as in a sliverlight web resource.
Here is the way I get mobilephones:
List<string> _mobileNos;
private void GetEnrolls(Guid id)
DataServiceQuery<new_enroll> query = (DataServiceQuery<new_enroll>)_context
.new_enrollSet.Where<new_enroll>(a => a.new_course.Id == id);
query.BeginExecute(OnRetrieveEnrollsComplete, query);
catch (DataServiceQueryException dsqe)
_syncContext.Send(new SendOrPostCallback(showErrorDetails), dsqe);
private void OnRetrieveEnrollsComplete(IAsyncResult result)
//Retrieve the query that was
DataServiceQuery<new_enroll> results = result.AsyncState as DataServiceQuery<new_enroll>;
//Create a collection of Accounts and set it equal to the query result
ObservableCollection<new_enroll> _enrolls =
new DataServiceCollection<new_enroll>(results.EndExecute(result));
var dlg=new MobileListDelegate(GetMobilesOfEachContact);
IAsyncResult asyncresult = dlg.BeginInvoke(_enrolls,FillMobileCompleted,null);
private void FillMobileCompleted()
//MobileListDelegate dlg = (MobileListDelegate)((AsyncResult)result).AsyncDelegate;
string x = null;
if (_mobileNos.Count == 0)
x = " List Is Null";
foreach (var item in _mobileNos)
x += item + " , ";
NumberOfEnrolls.Text += x;
private void GetMobilesOfEachContact(ObservableCollection<new_enroll> _enrolls)
_mobileNos = new List<string>();
foreach (var item in _enrolls)
private void GetContactMobile(Guid? contactId)
if (contactId.HasValue)
DataServiceQuery<Contact> query = (DataServiceQuery<Contact>)_context
.ContactSet.Where<Contact>(a => a.ContactId == contactId);
query.BeginExecute(OnRetrieveMobileComplete, query);
private void OnRetrieveMobileComplete(IAsyncResult result)
DataServiceQuery<Contact> results =
result.AsyncState as DataServiceQuery<Contact>;
Contact retrivedcontact = new DataServiceCollection<Contact>(results
catch (DataServiceQueryException dsqe)
_syncContext.Send(new SendOrPostCallback(showErrorDetails), dsqe);
First Of All, I cant have AsyncResult in sliverlight as it seems, even without referencing this class, the code never reaches
I also tried calling endinvoke right after beigninvoke but did not help.
I also used background worker, but it doesn`t help me, and , and string list is still empty.