Hi there,
how can i change & delete & make new the entries in the fields statecode / statuscode in entity contract?
Is this possible.
AND IF NOT, WHAT IS THE SOLUTION THEN? If i dont need these entries, or want some more, because my industrie needs it, why should this not be possible. The only solution for this would then be, to create a custom entity .. and the you have the well known disadvantages like having no customer lookup and have not the possibility to use emailtemplates, cause this isnt makeable at ms.
Field statedode is of type "Status" and i cant find, where to add new entries, rename or delete entries .. if they doesnt fit for my industry.
Field statusce (which, if i understood rihgt, has a dependancy of field statecode) ... here it is the same. if i dont need an entry of the field statecode, i can delete the entry, but if i want to save, i need to have an entriy f.e. if i dont need the statecode"draft" .. it isnt possible to dont show it or delete it.
So should i ask the question for me, if dyn.crm is the right product for me, because no one needs my thoughts???
Ok, maybe there is help for me...
THX, greets Pit