Hi Folks,
I have a question regarding popping of an existing record given the record id in CRM 2013.(Using window.top.location.href)
The parent entity has a lookup field "hppscm_docketapplication" which points to "hppscm_docketapplication" entity. According to the requirement, there is a button (HTML web resource) on the parent entity form. On click of the button, the look entity record "hppscm_docketapplication" should pop up.
I have used the below code.
var serverUrl = parent.Xrm.Page.context.getServerUrl();
var docketApplicationUrl = serverUrl + "/main.aspx?etn=hppscm_docketapplication&pagetype=entityrecord&id=" + docketApplicationId + " ";
window.top.location.href = docketApplicationUrl;
//top.location.href = docketApplicationUrl;
I tried each of the last four lines to pop the correct record. But I am unable to pop up the lookup entity record. Wat happens is that the current parent record refreshes or current parent record opens in a new window(in case of window.open). It is taking the current session's parent record.
The lookup record url "docketApplicationUrl" which is formed is working correctly. If I go to the docketApplicationUrl, the lookup entity record opens.
Please provide your inputs.
Kind Regards,