I got an error when i import an unmanaged solution from Dev to Test
The solution has account, contact, lead , opportunity, case and user entity and also a javascript web resource.
This is the error:
You are attempting to update in the active context when there exists an active row, but either the active row has a state other than publish or unpublish or you are attempting to do a published update of a publishable component, which is not allowed. _Input.IsBeingPublished: False; CurrentState: Microsoft.Crm.Platform.SolutionAwareComponents.BusinessComponentState
I got a clue from the link: http://social.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/83f66edd-0ec3-45f0-bc82-b63122d1ff7f/failed-to-import-managed-solution-to-crm-online-trail-version?forum=crm
I tried this link but unsuccessful.
It will be great if anyone can help.
Regards, Karan Mittal
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