Thanks to excellent help from this forum I have managed to get a child record entity form in a pop out window from a button click. (code below).I managed this by hardcoding in the ID for a specific record. How can I change this so that I gets the id from the parent entity.
In the parent entity the lookup is new_OAccounts and under SQL the value is CE993713-EBAE-E311-93FD-00155D04FA2A
In the child entity the field is new_originatingaccountsid and under SQL the value is CE993713-EBAE-E311-93FD-00155D04FA2A
function openDirectDebit() { var clientURL = Xrm.Page.context.getClientUrl(); //Set features for how the window will appear. var features = "location=no,menubar=yes,status=no,toolbar=yes,width=2000px,height=600px"; // Open the window. + "/main.aspx?etc=10014&extraqs=formid%3d0c6b8f80-3c48-43d0-afef-1a0890d30431&id=%7bCE993713-EBAE-E311-93FD-00155D04FA2A%7d&pagetype=entityrecord", "_blank", features, false); }
Dont ask me .. i dont know