I have a plugin (PostLeadUpdate) that that sets a lead's status to "qualified" based on a number of in-house business rules. But when this occurs it does not fire off a QualifyLead plugin. What is required to get the QualifyLead plugin to fire? Apparently there is more to this than just setting the lead status to "qualified".
I do not want CRM to handle the qualification process and I want to handle this myself and create the contact record manually. But I still need the QualifyLead plugin to fire. Should I try to create and execute a QualifyLeadRequest and set it to not create the opportunity, contact, and account? I am creating those myself, so I cannot allow CRM to do that. But if this is the only way to fire off the Qualifylead plugin, maybe it is my only option.
Any thoughts or suggestions?
Jon Gregory Rothlander