Why do my subreports have spurious extra space between them?
I have a simple report which works well and a report which I will use as a subreport which also works well. When I combine them however after each subreport section CRM / SRSS adds white space. It is almost as though it wants each subreport to be one page length (297mm in my case) regardless of the fact that it is now only part of a page. I have changed my subreport to specify a total length of only 20mm to try to persuade it to behave, it expands if required but shouldn't then have an arbitrary length of its own. I have removed all footers that might have an explicit position. I have also played with all combinations of the Keep together attribute to no avail.
It does not appear to be related to some kind of intelligent layout as it inserts enough space to bring it up to one page length even if that means the next mainsection of the report starts in an arbitrary position. So for example if I have a mainreport section which finishes 100mm down one page followed by 20mm of subreport content then the next main section seems to start at about 100mm down the next page.
What else can I play with here to make this report behave?