I am creating a web resource according to this sample, I can call retrieveMultipleRecords from SDK.Jquery.JS library and get results but when I call retrieveRecord, in it success call back I got undefined as a result. I checked it implementation and I saw that there was not any error and ajax call returns xhr.responseText
here is the js code I Use:
$(function () { var id=window.parent.Xrm.Page.data.entity.getId(); FillContactsList(id); }); function FillContactsList(recordid) { var _results=null; SDK.JQuery.retrieveMultipleRecords("new_customEntity","$filter=new_course/Id eq guid'"+recordid+"'",function(results) { _results= results; if(_results!=null) { $.each(_results, function() { $('#studentsList').append(this.new_student.Name+'\n'); GetContactMobile(this.new_student.Id); }); } },function(x){alert(x.message)},function(){}); } function GetContactMobile(id) { SDK.JQuery.retrieveRecord( id, "Contact", null, null, function (c) { $('#studentsList').append(c.mobilephone); }, function(x){alert(x.message)} ); }
So What Should I Do ?