Good morning all,
i have a problem with subgrid and fetchXML, depending of a value from a picklist in my Parent entity, I want to display different columns in a subgrid.
In order to do that, I use the fetchXML parameter. Problem is that, my columns don't change, only the filter criteria is applied.
Example : the default view contains columns : Created / Product ID Primaire / Product ID Secondaire.
I want to add some columns : Numero de serie (serial number ) / code defaut(default code) / Sous garantie (warranty)
Syntax used is
var fetchXml = "<fetch version='1.0' output-format='xml-platform' mapping='logical' distinct='false'>"; fetchXml += "<entity name='hpe_ligneincident'>"; fetchXml += "<attribute name='hpe_ligneincidentid' />"; fetchXml += "<attribute name='hpe_quantiteprimaire' />"; fetchXml += "<attribute name='hpe_produitprimaireid' />"; fetchXml += "<attribute name='hpe_numerodeserie' />"; fetchXml += "<attribute name='hpe_codedefaut' />"; fetchXml += "<attribute name='hpe_sousgarantie' />"; fetchXml += "<order attribute='hpe_produitprimaireid' descending='false' />"; fetchXml += "<filter type='and'>"; fetchXml += "<condition attribute='hpe_quantiteprimaire' operator='gt' value='3' />"; fetchXml += "<condition attribute='hpe_incidentparentid' operator='eq' uitype='incident' value='"+ IncidentID + "' />"; fetchXml += "</filter>"; fetchXml += "</entity>"; fetchXml += "</fetch>";
Problem is that, the criteria IS OK, the restriction on field hpe_quantiteprimaire is well applied BUT, the columns chosen in the attribute name tag are not displayed
what I am doing wrong ?
thank you