I have two fields one is the value of what it costs to hire a resource, the second is what we bill the client. We want to know the margin or profit for this and sort by highest margin. I have spent way to much time on something so simple and it wont work, in CRM 4.0 it was easy I must be doing something wrong.
I have an onchange event that fires off when the billtoclient field is filled in.
The equation is ClientBillRate - ConsualtantBillRate = Margin
//Margin Calculation
function Margin()
var BillLWG = crmForm.all.new_hourlyratebilledtolwg.Datavalue;
var BillClient = crmForm.all.new_hourlyratebilledtoclient.DataValue;
var Result = BillClient - BillLWG;
crmForm.all.new_margin.Datavalue = Result;
This isnt doing anything at all no errors but nothing works.