I am having a problem with getting reports to work with CRM 2011, I think it was in RU11 or RU12 and the latest browsers that they started to work funny or not at all.
The setup is like this.
- Report server report not CRM report.
- Viewable through a navigation link with external url set.
- Accountnumber is sent in as parameter with form javascript that runs onload and updates the external url.
Here is the code I use to update the url for the report.
function form_OnLoad() { var items = Xrm.Page.ui.navigation.items.get(); for (var i in items) { var item = items[i]; var itemLabel = item.getLabel(); if(itemLabel == "Link name") { var areaId1 = item.getId(); var navVal1 = document.getElementById(areaId1); if (navVal1 != null && navVal1 != undefined) { var u2 = encodeURI("Report URL"+ crmForm.all.accountnumber.value); navVal1.onclick = function () { loadIsvArea(Mscrm.CrmUri.create(u2), false) var navIframeObject = document.getElementById(areaId1+"AreaFrame"); if(navIframeObject != null) { navIframeObject.src = u2; } }; } } } }
I usually get an error when I click the link
<CrmScriptErrorReport><ReportVersion>1.0</ReportVersion><ScriptErrorDetails><Message>Unable to get value of the property 'target': object is null or undefined</Message><Line>1</Line><URL>/_static/_common/scripts/details.js?ver=-1616214599</URL><PageURL>/userdefined/edit.aspx?_gridType=1&etc=1&id=%7b55A3B8A6-0680-DD11-B551-00127994389A%7d&pagemode=iframe&preloadcache=0000&rskey=0000</PageURL><Function>anonymous(selectedNavLink,url,passParams,domEvent){if(passParams)url=addIsvParameters(url);var$;while(!IsNull($v_0)&&$v_0.tagName!=="A")$v_0=$v_0.parentNode;returnMscrm.Details.loadArea(selectedNavLink,$"Area","",url,true,passPar</Function><CallStack><Function>anonymous(selectedNavLink,url,passParams,domEvent){if(passParams)url=addIsvParameters(url);var$;while(!IsNull($v_0)&&$v_0.tagName!=="A")$v_0=$v_0.parentNode;returnMscrm.Details.loadArea(selectedNavLink,$"Area","",url,true,passParams)}</Function></CallStack></ScriptErrorDetails></CrmScriptErrorReport>
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, be it a fix for this or a proper way to do this.
Best regards,
Halldór Jóhannsson