I have the following code that is getting data from my grid and exporting to a CSV file;
string fetchxml = @"<fetch mapping= 'logical'><entity name ='product'><attribute name = 'name'/></entity></fetch> "; EntityCollection result = service.RetrieveMultiple(new FetchExpression(fetchxml));foreach(var c in result.Entities) { if (result != null && result.Entities.Count > 0) { List<string> _product = new List<string>(); foreach (Entity _entity in result.Entities) { _product.Add(_entity.Attributes["name"].ToString()); } string CSVFile = string.Join(",", _product.ToArray()); string AddressPath = "FM-OR" + "_"; string AddressSavePath = @"\\fm\CRMdata\maesteg\" + AddressPath + ".csv"; System.IO.File.WriteAllText(AddressSavePath, CSVFile.ToString()); } }
My problem is that my fetchXML is returning all the items in product not just the selected ones in the grid, does anyone know how to stop this?
Thanks, Shaun