I have a string field containing email addresses separated by ';'.
In the PreEmailSendFromTemplate, I am trying to add these emails to the 'Cc' field of the email to be send.
Here is the code:
IPluginExecutionContext context = localContext.PluginExecutionContext; Entity targetEntity = (Entity)context.InputParameters["Target"]; Email email = targetEntity.ToEntity<Email>(); if (email.RegardingObjectId != null) { using (var entityContext = new MultimediaContext(localContext.OrganizationService)) { var relatedIncident = entityContext.IncidentSet.FirstOrDefault((incident) => incident.Id == email.RegardingObjectId.Id); if (relatedIncident != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(relatedIncident.rte_ContactCopie)) { List<ActivityParty> parties = new List<ActivityParty>(); foreach (var emailAddress in relatedIncident.rte_ContactCopie.Split(';')) { parties.Add( new ActivityParty { AddressUsed = emailAddress, // ActivityId = new EntityReference(Email.EntityLogicalName, email.ActivityId.Value), ParticipationTypeMask = new OptionSetValue(3) }); } email.Cc = parties; } } }The parties list is well filled with the wanted email addresses.
But unfortunately, the email is never send (not even to the 'To' field members).
When I comment out all this section, the email is sent.