We are on CRM 2013 on-premise version. We are trying to create a button customization that automatically disables/enables when a picklist value is selected on the Case page.So when a user comes and changes a picklist value, then the button will be automatically
disable or enable without having to refresh the Case page.
Just wondering if this is possible to achieve or not. Currently our solution doesn't allow to refresh the button on the page, unless the user exits the Case and re-open it, then the button finally shows up. This is what we put in the customization.xml:
<CommandDefinition Id="CustomButton.Command">
<EnableRule Id="CustomButton.EnableRule.FormStateRule" />
<EnableRule Id="CustomButton.EnableRule.ValueRule" />
<DisplayRules />
<EnableRule Id="CustomButton.FormStateRule">
<FormStateRule State="Existing" />
***This part is where we state the picklist value when to disable/enable the button*****
<EnableRule Id="CustomButton.Command.EnableRule.ValueRule">
<ValueRule Field="picklist value" Value="Properties" Default="true" />
Thanks in advance for your help.