I need to create a plugin that creates an email. I have a stored proc that gets all of the information for the email I then have a SQL reader that reads that that stored proc. I have not built or created an email in CRM 2011 and so I am uncertian on how to do so. The code for the plugin / email is below:
namespace AutoSubmitOrderEmail { public class SendEmail : CodeActivity { #region Globals private string GTRINumber = string.Empty; private string OrderIdName = string.Empty; private string GPOrderNumber = string.Empty; private string QuoteNumber = string.Empty; private string CustomerIdName = string.Empty; //private string AEId = string.Empty; //private string CSEId = string.Empty; //private string IAMId = string.Empty; private string CustomerPrimaryContact = string.Empty; DateTime EstShipDate = new DateTime(); private string TrackingNumbers = string.Empty; private string TrackingType = string.Empty; private string MaintenanceNumber = string.Empty; private string PurchaseOrderId = string.Empty; private string EmailAddress1 = string.Empty; private string EmailAddress2 = string.Empty; private string SerialNumber = string.Empty; private string ConfirmationContact1 = string.Empty; private string ConfirmationContact2 = string.Empty; private string ConfirmationContact3 = string.Empty; private string emailBody = string.Empty; private string emailSubject = string.Empty; #endregion #region Connections <SQL Connection info here> #endregion #region CRM Webservice Settings <CRM web service here> #endregion protected override void Execute(CodeActivityContext executionContext) { try { //Create the IWorkflowContext and the IOrganizationService for communication with CRM IWorkflowContext context = executionContext.GetExtension<IWorkflowContext>(); IOrganizationServiceFactory serviceFactory = executionContext.GetExtension<IOrganizationServiceFactory>(); IOrganizationService service = serviceFactory.CreateOrganizationService(context.UserId); //Get the quote id of the quote entity EntityReference quote = myQuote.Get<EntityReference>(executionContext); EntityReference GTRI_purchaseorder = purchaseOrderReference.Get<EntityReference>(executionContext); Guid QuoteId = new Guid(); QuoteId = myQuote.Get(executionContext).Id; Guid OrderId = new Guid(); OrderId = purchaseOrderReference.Get(executionContext).Id; Guid AEId = new Guid(); AEId = myQuote.Get(executionContext).Id; Guid CSEId = new Guid(); CSEId = myQuote.Get(executionContext).Id; Guid IAMId = new Guid(); IAMId = myQuote.Get(executionContext).Id; try { using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand()) { try { using (SqlConnection oConn = new SqlConnection(connectionString)) { cmd.Connection = oConn; cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; cmd.CommandText = "SubmitOrder.Send_Automatic_Email_First"; cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@GTRI_OrderId", OrderId); oConn.Open(); using (SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader()) { if (reader != null) { int intCounter = 0; while (reader.Read()) { if (intCounter == 0) { if (reader["GTRI_name"].ToString() == null) { GTRINumber = ""; } else { GTRINumber = reader["GTRI_name"].ToString(); } if (reader["GTRI_OrderIdName"].ToString() == null) { OrderIdName = ""; } else { OrderIdName = reader["GTRI_OrderIdName"].ToString(); } if (reader["GTRI_GPOrderNumber"].ToString() == null) { GPOrderNumber = ""; } else { GPOrderNumber = reader["GTRI_GPOrderNumber"].ToString(); } if (reader["QuoteNumber"].ToString() == null) { QuoteNumber = ""; } else { QuoteNumber = reader["QuoteNumber"].ToString(); } if (reader["CustomerIdName"].ToString() == null) { CustomerIdName = ""; } else { CustomerIdName = reader["CustomerIdName"].ToString(); } if (reader["GTRI_CustomerPrimaryContactId"].ToString() == null) { CustomerPrimaryContact = ""; } else { CustomerPrimaryContact = reader["GTRI_CustomerPrimaryContactId"].ToString(); } if (reader["Gtri_EstShipDate"].ToString() == null) { EstShipDate = Convert.ToDateTime(reader[null].ToString()); } else { EstShipDate = Convert.ToDateTime(reader["Gtri_EstShipDate"].ToString()); } if (reader["Gtri_SerialNumber"].ToString() == null) { SerialNumber = ""; } else { SerialNumber = reader["Gtri_SerialNumber"].ToString(); } if (reader["Gtri_TrackingNumbers"].ToString() == null) { TrackingNumbers = ""; } else { TrackingNumbers = reader["Gtri_TrackingNumbers"].ToString(); } if (reader["Value"].ToString() == null) { TrackingType = ""; } else { TrackingType = reader["Value"].ToString(); } if (reader["gtri_maintenancenumber"].ToString() == null) { MaintenanceNumber = ""; } else { MaintenanceNumber = reader["gtri_maintenancenumber"].ToString(); } if (reader["GTRI_purchaseorderid"].ToString() == null) { PurchaseOrderId = ""; } else { PurchaseOrderId = reader["GTRI_purchaseorderid"].ToString(); } if (reader["EmailAddress1"].ToString() == null) { EmailAddress1 = ""; } else { EmailAddress1 = reader["EmailAddress1"].ToString(); } if (reader["EmailAddress2"].ToString() == null) { EmailAddress2 = ""; } else { EmailAddress1 = reader["EmailAddress2"].ToString(); } if (reader["gtri_ConfirmationContact1"].ToString() == null) { ConfirmationContact1 = ""; } else { ConfirmationContact1 = reader["gtri_ConfirmationContact1"].ToString(); } if (reader["gtri_ConfirmationContact2"].ToString() == null) { ConfirmationContact2 = ""; } else { ConfirmationContact2 = reader["gtri_ConfirmationContact2"].ToString(); } if (reader["gtri_ConfirmationContact3"].ToString() == null) { ConfirmationContact3 = ""; } else { ConfirmationContact3 = reader["gtri_ConfirmationContact3"].ToString(); } } } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { } } } catch (Exception ex) { } emailSubject = emailSubject + "<br>Your parts have been Ordered.</br>"; //Build From: email Entity fromParty = new Entity("activityparty"); fromParty["partyid"] = new EntityReference("quote", IAMId); //Buid To: email Guid toPartyEmailAdddres1 = Guid.Empty; toPartyEmailAdddres1 = new Guid(EmailAddress1); Guid toPartyEmailAddress2 = Guid.Empty; toPartyEmailAddress2 = new Guid(EmailAddress2); Guid toPartyEmailConfirmationContact1 = Guid.Empty; toPartyEmailConfirmationContact1 = new Guid(ConfirmationContact1); Guid toPartyEmailConfirmationContact2 = Guid.Empty; toPartyEmailConfirmationContact2 = new Guid(ConfirmationContact2); Guid toPartyEmailConfirmationContact3 = Guid.Empty; toPartyEmailConfirmationContact3 = new Guid(ConfirmationContact3); Entity toParty = new Entity("activityparty"); toParty["partyid1"] = new EntityReference("contact", toPartyEmailAdddres1); toParty["partyid2"] = new EntityReference("contact", toPartyEmailAddress2); toParty["partyid3"] = new EntityReference("quote", toPartyEmailConfirmationContact1); toParty["partyid4"] = new EntityReference("quote", toPartyEmailConfirmationContact2); toParty["partyid5"] = new EntityReference("quote", toPartyEmailConfirmationContact3); //Build CC: email Entity ccParty = new Entity("activityparty"); ccParty["partyid1"] = new EntityReference("quote", AEId); ccParty["partyid2"] = new EntityReference("quote", CSEId); //Build body: email //Build Email: email Entity Email = new Entity("email"); Email.Attributes["from"] = new Entity[] { fromParty }; Email.Attributes["to"] = new Entity[] { toParty }; Email.Attributes["cc"] = new Entity[] { ccParty }; Email.Attributes["subject"] = "Your parts have been ordered."; Email.Attributes["regardingobjectid"] = new EntityReference("quote", QuoteId); Email.Attributes["description"] = emailSubject; Email.Attributes["ownerid"] = new EntityReference("quote", IAMId); Guid emailID = service.Create(Email); //Send email SendEmailRequest reqSendEmail = new SendEmailRequest(); reqSendEmail.EmailId = emailID; //ID of created mail reqSendEmail.TrackingToken = ""; reqSendEmail.IssueSend = true; SendEmailResponse res = (SendEmailResponse)service.Execute(reqSendEmail); } catch(Exception ex) { } } #region CRMInput // Initialize the input parameter [Input("Purchase Order")] [ReferenceTarget("GTRI_purchaseorder")] public InArgument<EntityReference> purchaseOrderReference { get; set; } [Input("Quote")] [ReferenceTarget("quote")] public InArgument<EntityReference> myQuote { get; set; } #endregion } }
Please help! Time is of the issue!
Thank you in advance!