Since Update Rollup 12, we are no longer able to run an ASP.NET application hosted in an IFrame. This is a combination of UR12 and IE 9 or above.
In order to assure our application worked, we specified that our application used I.E 8 compatibility or quirks mode.
Since I.E 9, the Iframe can no longer run in its own mode, rather inherits the mode specified by the parent page (in this case MS CRM). It seems this was not an issue prior to update rollup 12, I can only assume that was the case because MS CRM was running under compatibility/quirks mode.
Can anyone confirm similar behaviour?
I did find this to be different from pre UR12 to after.
<META content="IE=9.0000" http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible">
It seems compatibility mode is set to I.E 9...
I think the only solution at this point would be to either
1. Modify the existing application to be I.E 9 compliant (easier said than done as it uses external components)
2. Advice our clients to run in Mozilla/Chrome!
3. Open the custom application in a separate window (instead of hosting in IFRAME)
Hopefully this is something which might help someone in future.