I use below method to upload Picture to CRM 2011 Online
Can anyone point me in right direction on how i can resize the image to save disk space
if (FileUploadFormbilde.HasFile) { Annotation note = new Annotation(); Guid testGUID2 = new Guid(testGUID.ToString()); EntityReference entRef = new EntityReference("new_test", testGUID2); string strFileName = FileUploadFormbilde.PostedFile.FileName; Stream fStream = FileUploadFormbilde.PostedFile.InputStream; byte[] binFile = new byte[FileUploadFormbilde.PostedFile.ContentLength]; fStream.Read(binFile, 0, binFile.Length); fStream.Close(); note.Subject = "Test"; note.FileName = strFileName; note.DocumentBody = Convert.ToBase64String(binFile); note.MimeType = GetContentType(strFileName); note.ObjectId = entRef; orgContext.Create(note); } Response.Redirect("../Pages/bekreftelse.htm"); ///////////////// } private string GetContentType(string fileName) { string contentType = "application/octetstream"; string ext = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(fileName).ToLower(); Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey registryKey = Microsoft.Win32.Registry.ClassesRoot.OpenSubKey(ext); if (registryKey != null && registryKey.GetValue("Content Type") != null) contentType = registryKey.GetValue("Content Type").ToString(); return contentType; }
CRM Consultant/Business Advisor at Skill AS in Norway
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