We have developed small application in CRM 2016 that retrieve data from CRM using WebAPI and do some process. We have retrieve the records using fetchxml. This is working just fine when we access using web browser but when we tried to access the same from tablet client then it throws below error
{"Message":"Organization name: devmaps--d found in request URL: http://devmapsv8--d.crm5.dynamics.com/api/data/v8.0/ is invalid. Expected organization name: devmapsv8","ExceptionMessage":"Organization name: devmapsv8--d found in request URL: http://devmapsv8--d.crm5.dynamics.com/api/data/v8.0/ is invalid. Expected organization name: devmaps"
So we changed the url from http://devmapsv8--d.crm5.dynamics.com/api/data/v8.0/ to http://devmapsv8.crm5.dynamics.com/api/data/v8.0/ then still it does not work but does not throw any error.
Can anyone has solution to this issue. This issue is vary critical for us.
Waiting for reply.