I am working on one entity in CRM2016.
This entity having refference to one script file "utility.js", and below is the content of that script file:
console.log("utility.js Start"); function TestingFunction() { alert("Testing Function called!!!"); } console.log("utility.js Stop");
This entity have one html web resource in the form which is trying to access the "TestingFunction" of above
script file "utility.js" like:
<html><head><meta><script> function myFunction() { parent.TestingFunction(); //This code throwing an error: VM14326:1 Uncaught TypeError: parent.TestingFunction is not a function }</script><meta><meta><meta></head><body style="word-wrap: break-word;"><button onclick="myFunction()">Click me</button></body></html>1) This same solution is working on CRM2015
2) I do not want to add one more "utility.js" refference into my html. (<script> .... </script>)
3) i already check the "utility.js" file is loading or not in browser development tool and it is loading properly.
Any idea whats the issue here in CRM2016?