I created a FetchXML query using the advanced find, the output of the FetchXML is below. I'm trying to get a record count of the records returned; at the moment I'm getting an error so I'm guessing my query is wrong. I would appreciate if anyone would give me a little direction to fix this.
function DataCheck() { alert("Function Running"); var mainTelephone = Xrm.Page.getAttribute("telephone1").getValue(); var fetchXml = "<fetch version='1.0' output-format='xml-platform' mapping='logical' distinct='false'> aggregate='true'>"; fetchXml += " <entity name='account'>"; fetchXml += " <attribute name='name' />"; fetchXml += " <attribute name='address1_city' />"; fetchXml += " <attribute name='telephone1' />"; fetchXml += " <attribute name='accountnumber' />"; fetchXml += " <attribute name='new_primarypartner' />"; fetchXml += " <attribute name='emailaddress1' />"; fetchXml += " <attribute name='accountid' />"; fetchXml += " <order attribute='name' descending='false' />"; fetchXml += " <filter type='or'>"; fetchXml += " <condition attribute='telephone1' operator='eq' value='02088822222' />"; fetchXml += " <condition attribute='new_mobilephone' operator='eq' value='varX' />"; fetchXml += " <condition attribute='new_homephone' operator='eq' value='varX' />"; fetchXml += " <condition attribute='telephone2' operator='eq' value='varX' />"; fetchXml += " <condition attribute='fax' operator='eq' value='varX' />"; fetchXml += " <condition attribute='emailaddress1' operator='eq' value='varX' />"; fetchXml += " <condition attribute='websiteurl' operator='eq' value='varX' />"; fetchXml += " <filter type='and'>"; fetchXml += " <condition attribute='new_firstname' operator='eq' value='varX' />"; fetchXml += " <condition attribute='new_lastname' operator='eq' value='varX' />"; fetchXml += " </filter>"; fetchXml += " <condition attribute='address1_line1' operator='eq' value='varX' />"; fetchXml += " <condition attribute='address1_city' operator='eq' value='varX' />"; fetchXml += " <condition attribute='address1_stateorprovince' operator='eq' value='varX' />"; fetchXml += " <condition attribute='address1_postalcode' operator='eq' value='varX' />"; fetchXml += " <condition attribute='address1_country' operator='eq' value='varX' />"; fetchXml += " <condition attribute='new_dateofbirth' operator='on' value='varX' />"; fetchXml += " <condition attribute='new_nationalinsurance' operator='eq' value='varX' />"; fetchXml += " </filter>"; fetchXml += " </entity>"; fetchXml += "</fetch>"; alert(fetchXml); XrmSvcToolkit.fetch({ fetchXml: fetchXml, async: false, successCallback: function (result) { var countValue = result.entities[0].recordcount; //Xrm.Page.getAttribute(countfield).setValue(countValue); alert(countValue); }, errorCallback: function (error) { throw error; } }); }