We had the following script functioning 100% correctly in a CRM 2011 environment
function ChangeCurrencySymbol() { var Lookup = Xrm.Page.getAttribute('new_clientlookup').getValue(); var Guid = Lookup[0].id.substring(1, 37); var ODataQuery = oDataPath + "/new_clientSet?$select=TransactionCurrency_new_client/CurrencySymbol&$expand=TransactionCurrency_new_client&$filter=new_clientId eq guid'" + Guid + "'"; var QueryData = LibGetData(ODataQuery); if (QueryData.d.results.length > 0) { var currencySymbol = QueryData.d.results[0].TransactionCurrency_new_client.CurrencySymbol; // Looping through all currency controls on the form and sets the currency symbol. $.each($("span.ms-crm-Money-CurrencySymbol"), function () { this.textContent = currencySymbol; }); }
We have recently upgraded to CRM 2016 and this script no longer updates the additional money fields on the form with the currency symbol when the currency lookup is modified.
The currency lookup is automatically populated and we were updating all money fields with the new currency symbol on the form.
It appears that the class - ms-crm-Money-CurrencySymbol is no longer valid in CRM 2016. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.