Hi everyone,
I have a critical problem with service activity (appointment). How can I check if resource (Equipment) is free before I can create new service appointment. With my current code, system goes for creation of service appointments regardless of Equipment is busy
or free.
var newServiceAppointment = new ServiceAppointment { ServiceId = new EntityReference(CRMHelper.Service.EntityLogicalName, new Guid(serviceId)), Location = branchTitle, Resources = new ActivityParty[] { equipmentPartyResource }, ScheduledStart = Convert.ToDateTime(startTime), ScheduledEnd = Convert.ToDateTime(endTime), ScheduledDurationMinutes = scheduledDurationMinutes, Customers = new ActivityParty[] { accountPartyResource } };
I tried to search many topics but I didn't found how to handle this problem. Have any one faced this problem before.
Thanks in advance.
Wa'el Mohsen