I am trying to import manage solution from DEV to Production environment. I am getting "The Import of solution failed. The following component is missing from the solution". Due to "Entity Relationship" it says that "tad_incident_sharepointdocument" is missing from solution and is required on production. A i checked this relationship is already there on "Production or Dev solution".
I am posting XML from dev enviroment for relationship.
<EntityRelationship Name="tad_incident_sharepointdocument"><EntityRelationshipType>OneToMany</EntityRelationshipType>
<Description description="Unique identifier for Case associated with Sharepoint Document." languagecode="1033" />
<field name="tad_regardingid" requiredlevel="none" lookupstyle="single" lookupbrowse="0" format="">
<displayname description="Regarding" languagecode="1033" />
<CustomLabel description="" languagecode="1033" />
Any Suggestions.