We have CRM 2016 premise installed in our organization.
We are not using ADFS, we are using AD authentication only. CRM Application is load balanced in 2 different servers with SSL certificate.
Our company is using Java platform to integrate different systems together including CRM.
Our Java team are trying to use APACHE OLINGO 4.0 to connect to CRM 2016 API. They are not able to parse the meata data in APACHE OLINGO 4.0
They are getting the following errors
The referenced EDMX document has the URI 'http://vocabularies.odata.org/OData.Community.Keys.V1.xml' where scheme, host, or port is different from the main metadata document URI 'http://servername:5555/ExpressScriptsCanada/api/data/v8.1/$metadata'
Exception in thread "main"java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The referenced EDMX document has the URI 'http://vocabularies.odata.org/OData.Community.Keys.V1.xml' where scheme, host, or port is different from the main metadata document URI 'http://servername:5555/ExpressScriptsCanada/api/data/v8.1/$metadata'.
The tool is trying to get CRM URL from metadata.
Did anyone experience this issue before.