Hi guys, I'm looking to open up the jQuery UI Extended Dialog from one of the entity forms. I've added all the necessary files that are required, but I keep getting this error:
TypeError: $(...).dialog(...).dialogExtend is not a function at LaunchFloatingWidget (outofthinair.crm.dynamics.com/.../new_floatingwidget.js) at eval (eval at RunHandlerInternal (outofthinair.crm.dynamics.com/.../ClientApiWrapper.aspx), <anonymous>:1:1) at RunHandlerInternal (outofthinair.crm.dynamics.com/.../ClientApiWrapper.aspx) at RunHandlers (outofthinair.crm.dynamics.com/.../ClientApiWrapper.aspx) at OnScriptTagLoaded (outofthinair.crm.dynamics.com/.../ClientApiWrapper.aspx) at outofthinair.crm.dynamics.com/.../ClientApiWrapper.aspx
However, if I invoke the method from a HTML web resource page, it works just fine. Sample HTML page is as follows:
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>Extended Dialog</title><meta charset=utf-8 /><link href="new_jquery.ui.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /><script src="new_jquery.3.1.1.js"></script><script src="new_jquery.ui.1.12.1.js"></script><script src="new_jquery.dialogextend.js"></script><script src="new_floatingwidget.js"></script></head><body><script> LaunchFloatingWidget(); </script></body></html>
I have all the script files added in the form library and an attempt to call the LaunchFloatingWidget(); method on Form load fails with the error above.
And this is the script file that contains the method:
function LaunchFloatingWidget() { debugger; //dialog options var dialogOptions = {"title" : "All Artifacts","width" : 400,"height" : 300,"modal" : false,"resizable" : true,"draggable" : true, }; // dialog-extend options var dialogExtendOptions = { "closable" : false,"maximizable" : true,"minimizable" : true,"minimizeLocation" : 'left',"collapsable" : true,"dblclick" : false,"titlebar" : false }; // open dialog $("<div></div>").dialog(dialogOptions).dialogExtend(dialogExtendOptions); }
If I embed the HTML web resource file in the form, I can see the jQuery UI dialog showing up but that's not what I want. Is CRM blocking anything?
Any help would be appreciated.