Hello all,
I am using fetchxml query to get results from CRM dynamics however if
my fetchxml is having 6 attributes and query this I get less than 6
attributes, reason for this, if the row is having blank/null value then
it does not return attribute name, I need the attribute names since I
have written the code to get the attribute names and dynamically get
data from attribute names.
Hers is my code.
Let says my fetchxml contains a string like this(Note: I 'm getting the string dynamically from view name, just showing the string)
string fetchxml= @"<fetch version='1.0' output-format='xml-platform' mapping='logical' distinct='false'><entity name='cdi_postedsurvey'><attribute name='cdi_postedsurveyid' /><attribute name='cdi_name' /><attribute name='createdon' /><order attribute='cdi_name' descending='false' /><filter type='and'><condition attribute='statecode' operator='in'><value>1</value><value>0</value></condition><condition attribute='cdi_postedsurveyid' operator='not-null' /><condition attribute='createdon' operator='on-or-after' value='2016-09-09' /><condition attribute='createdon' operator='on-or-before' value='2016-09-13' /></filter></entity></fetch>";
EntityCollection _viewResult = _orgService.RetrieveMultiple(new FetchExpression(_fetchxml));
foreach (var e in _viewResult .Entities) **//Here the entity return less attributes because the row is blank**
if (_keycnt == 0)
foreach (var keys in e.Attributes.Keys)
_csvData.AppendFormat(keys + ","); //Get all the Attribute names in comma separted format.
_splitIntoColumn = _csvData.ToString().TrimEnd().Split(',');
_keycnt = 1;
_csvData.Remove(_csvData.ToString().LastIndexOf(","), 1); //Removes comma from the end of the string
_csvData.AppendLine(); //Enters new line
for (int j = 0; j < _splitIntoColumn.Length - 1; j++)
string _attributeName = _splitIntoColumn[j].ToString();
//Now get the values based on attribute name
if (e.FormattedValues.Contains(_attributeName))
//append data in csv file
This is what I 'm getting in my CSV file wherein I have 4 attributes, but I 'm getting 3 because the first row is blank.
cdi_postedsurveyid createdon logicalname
A 14-09-2011 sample
B 14-09-2011 sample
This is what I want wherein cdi_name is included even if the first row is null
cdi_name cdi_postedsurveyid createdon logicalname
A 14-09-2011 sample
test data B 14-09-2011 sample
test data B 14-09-2011 sample
Note: Just for your information(not using this library) here the powershell library is fixed for Microsoft.Xrm.Data.PowerShell https://github.com/seanmcne/Microsoft.Xrm.Data.PowerShell/releases