Slow, Slow, Slow .... Help !!
Passing regardingobjectidtype to Xrm.Utility.openEntityForm
I've been having troubles sending the typename to the openEntity form. Is this a problem with my system or is there another way I should be setting the typename?
Here is the code I am trying to use.
//set the parameters to pass to the new form var Regarding = Xrm.Page.getAttribute("regardingobjectid").getValue(); var parameters = {}; parameters["regardingobjectid"] = Regarding[0].id; parameters["regardingobjectidname"] = Regarding[0].name; parameters["regardingobjectidtype"] = Regarding[0].typename; //Open the new form Xrm.Utility.openEntityForm("appointment",null,parameters);
I've been able to send owneridtype and customeridtype without a problem, but regardingobjecttype does not seem to be working for me.
CRM 2013 Cannot Remove Filter from View
I have a custom entity and the views associated with have a default filter.
I cannot remove of change this filter and adding a new view includes this filter.
Any Idea's??
I have tried removing the filters from the advanced search view but it still remains.
Calling WCF service, exposed on Azure Service Bus, directly in a sandboxed plugin
Hello Devs,
Is there any way to call a WCF service, exposed to a Azure Service Bus Relay, directly in a sandboxed plugin code? That is without using provided Service Endpoint entity. Basically, I don't want to pass over full data context (IPluginExecutionContext) to
the WCF service that is not CRM aware.
I googled for calling a WCF service in a sandboxed plugin and found that it is possible. However, when I am trying to access a service bus relay hosted service, it is ending up with error:
The type initializer for 'Microsoft.ServiceBus.RelayEnvironment' threw an exception
with an inner exception message:
Request for the permission of type 'System.Security.Permissions.EnvironmentPermission, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' failed
Below is my sample plugin code:
string serviceNamespace = "myNameSpace"; string issuerName = "RootManageSharedAccessKey"; string issuerKey = "myKey"; string servicePath = "Student/GetInfo"; var cf = new ChannelFactory<IStudentInfo>( new WS2007HttpRelayBinding(), new EndpointAddress(ServiceBusEnvironment.CreateServiceUri(Uri.UriSchemeHttps, serviceNamespace, servicePath))); cf.Endpoint.Behaviors.Add(new TransportClientEndpointBehavior { TokenProvider = TokenProvider.CreateSharedAccessSignatureTokenProvider(issuerName, issuerKey) //TokenProvider = TokenProvider.CreateSharedSecretTokenProvider(issuerName, issuerKey) }); var ch = cf.CreateChannel();
I am using CRM Online for this testing purpose.
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BULK Delete CRM Product BUG
Hi All,
I have found this wierdest bug in the CRM product not sure how MS has created this feature trying to delete the multiple Custom activities from activities in Advanced find.
1- There is no option for Activities entity in Bulk delete option
2- When i delete it from ADvanced find by selecting all (250) records it never deletes the activity pointer base,if i select around 200 and then delete then the record count falls down after deletion, seems there is some bug in the limit
Please help in this regards i m using crm 2013 very weird sitatution at client.
Waqas Latif
CRM Developer
Waqas Latif CRM Technical Consultant
MS CRM 2016 : Quick Find error on Knowledge Article
I have my Knowlegde Article (KA) home page grid from Sales module.
I enter my keyword to use quick find feature on KA in order to find certain KA.
But error pop-ups with message:
Query Builder Error
The specified field does not exist in MSD CRM.
On downloading log file, it says :
<Message>'KnowledgeArticle' entity doesn't contain attribute with Name = 'IsLatestVersion'.</Message>
'KA' is the native entity with the native attribute 'IsLatestVersion'.
There is no customizations done as of now.
I dont seem to understand the issue, may be roll-up issue.
Thanks in Advance.
Arun S
MSCRM 2015 field doesnt lose focus on click of custom button
I have a custom submit button on entity form.
After entering values in non mandatory fields, if one clicks on submit button without clicking on anywhere else on form,
focus remains on field in which value was entered at last that is the value of that field is taken as previous value.
For instance, if some field has null value , I entered some 'xyz' value and clicked on submit button .The value button will remain null, not 'xyz'.
I have multiple custom buttons on different forms.
Need resolution to resolve it.
Notes field is not Editable in CRM 2015 during record creation
In MSCRM 2015 the notes field is not editable during record creation however this functionality is available in MSCRM 2011, Let me know if i need to change any system setting for this to create notes while creating record.
Pinku Kumar
Notes Section is non- editable in Create mode of form ,MS CRM v2015
MS Dynamics CRM 2011 website has been upgraded to MS CRM 2015.
Notes section was editable in MS Dynamics CRM version 2011 instance but is non editable in 2015 instance.
Is this MS CRM 2015 out of box feature?
If yes, how to make notes section editable in form Create mode in 2015 instance?
Generate PDF Dynamics CRM 2015 Online
I am looking for ideas/options to generate a PDF within a CRM 2015 Online solution.
This PDF will merge static verbiage with CRM database information.
What about limitations? Could any available library be used with the ONLINE edition?
Any idea (even "out-of-the-box") would be greatly appreciated.
Frank M.
"parent" keyword of javascript in html webresource
I am working on one entity in CRM2016.
This entity having refference to one script file "utility.js", and below is the content of that script file:
console.log("utility.js Start"); function TestingFunction() { alert("Testing Function called!!!"); } console.log("utility.js Stop");
This entity have one html web resource in the form which is trying to access the "TestingFunction" of above
script file "utility.js" like:
<html><head><meta><script> function myFunction() { parent.TestingFunction(); //This code throwing an error: VM14326:1 Uncaught TypeError: parent.TestingFunction is not a function }</script><meta><meta><meta></head><body style="word-wrap: break-word;"><button onclick="myFunction()">Click me</button></body></html>1) This same solution is working on CRM2015
2) I do not want to add one more "utility.js" refference into my html. (<script> .... </script>)
3) i already check the "utility.js" file is loading or not in browser development tool and it is loading properly.
Any idea whats the issue here in CRM2016?
Install or Install fixit tool not working for Win server 2012/2012r2
We have dynamics CRM 2016 application messed up in Win Serv 2012r2 version, we need to fix Registry keys and uninstall completely from the server.
Can someone share the fixit tool updated file info which is compatible for the same.
This is not supporting for me
Below is the screen shot
Vinay Kumar.
Problem when calling a web service from workflow
I'm working on CRM 2011, and I try to call a custom web service function from a custom workflow, but this fails while trying to access the web config file, although this file exists in the given path and there is a reference to that service.
After some googling, I've found this:
I didn't use "InvokeWebServiceActivity" in my code.
My question is: what is the best way to call a web service function from a workflow? If an example could be given - it would be awesome :)
Thank you.
Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk, Version=5.0.0. error while importing data from flatfile to crm using ssis package
i'm trying to import data from flatfile to crm2011 using ssis package.
my package worked fine on the local system but when i checked them into Team foundation server and trying to execute there was a message that your package has upgraded and when i run it the following error occured. can some one help me with this error.
i created the package in vs2012 which executed well and the TFS was in MS sqlserver data tools 2013.
Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
RetrieveDuplicatesRequest TotalRecordCount
When retrieving duplicates for an entity the total record count is not returning the expected result. Is this a bug or am I using this incorrectly?
Here is the relevant code:
Lead lead = entity.ToEntity<Lead>(); RetrieveDuplicatesResponse response = (RetrieveDuplicatesResponse)service.Execute( new RetrieveDuplicatesRequest { BusinessEntity = lead, MatchingEntityName = Lead.EntityLogicalName, PagingInfo = new PagingInfo { PageNumber = 1, Count = 50, ReturnTotalRecordCount = true } }); int duplicateLeads = response.DuplicateCollection.TotalRecordCount; int duplicateCollectionCount = response.DuplicateCollection.Entities.Count;
In this case I am getting back that the given entity has one duplicate record, which is expected. But duplicateLeads is -1; the parameter response.DuplicateCollection.TotalRecordCount returns -1 even though I set ReturnTotalRecordCount to true. But it definitely should not be -1 because response.DuplicateCollection.Entities.Count, the count of how many duplicates were returned in this page, is 1.
This is being executed against Crm 2016 online. Thanks for any help!
Issue with current user in Custom Workflows Activity of Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013
Hi All,
I have custom workflow activity which will call the on create of record, in the system job recordowner is showing the current user who is running the workflow It is working fine on create of the record but update is showing the different user who created/owner of the workflow. and I used CreateOrganizationService(context.UserId) to get the service object.
It would be great if anyone can help on this.
Custom workflow Debugging error - CRM Online 2015 version
While clicking the "Persist to entity" radio button from the registeration tool and click the ok button , I am getting the below error.
Unhandled Exception: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at PluginProfiler.Library.WorkflowXamlUtility.InstrumentStep(XmlNode activityNode, XmlNamespaceManager ns, InstrumentedStepConfiguration step, String workflowAssemblyName)
at PluginProfiler.Library.WorkflowXamlUtility.InstrumentXaml(IOrganizationService service, String xaml, IList`1 steps)
at PluginProfiler.Library.ProfilerManagementUtility.EnableWorkflow(IOrganizationService service, String overrideKeyFileName, Guid workflowId, Boolean persistToEntity, String persistenceSessionKey, Boolean includeSecureInformation, Boolean isContextReplay,
CustomActivityStep[] workflowSteps)
at Microsoft.Crm.Tools.PluginRegistration.ProfilerSettingsViewModel.btnOk_Click()
Kindly help me.
Handle events in Unified Service Desk with custom code
I'm new to customizing the USD and I can't get anything working atm. How do I start with coding with this thing? The walkthroughs really don't help me.
The scenario is as follows, a ISV has supplied a hosted controll which raises events in the USD and I want to take action on these. I have given up on using the configuration parts and I need to develop something that does this for me.
So how do I start? I've tried using the CTI connector template but that gives an error saying "The designer must create an instance of type 'Microsoft.Uii.Desktop.Cti.Controls.CtiDesktopManager' but it cannot because the type is declared as abstract." That's it, nothing more. Is this normal?
How do I just get something up and running and callable from the USD?
Very confused atm...
Rickard Norström Developer CRM-Konsulterna
Swedish Dynamics CRM Forum:
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Interactive services hub BPF button issue
Hi All,
i have customised case form for interactive services hub, and i am facing issue with BPF stages. BPF stages are branched with origin, if origin is email i am showing email stage and if phone call i am showing phone call. when i open case only default(first stage) is showned and if set origin as email no further stage is showing and move next and previous buttons are not visible.
And if i create a BPF without stages i.e no branching with condition then i am able to see all stages and move next and previous buttons are visible.
My case is blank with no form scripts and ribbon is default, so hope there is no script breakage issue.
Kindly share your comments on this.
Thanks & Regards Vijji
Profiler - Plug-in type does not exist in assembly error
I've seen this error asked a couple of times but none of the answers seem to fix my problem. As per the thread title, I'm trying to use profiler to debug a plug-in problem we are experiencing in CRM online. But it's not playing ball and throws the message:
Unhandled Exception: System.InvalidOperationException: The plug-in type "<my plugin name>" does not exist in the specified assembly.
at PluginProfiler.Library.AppDomainProxy.InitializeProxy(String assemblyFilePath, String typeName, String logFilePath)
This is how I've set up the profiler:
- Downloaded the latest SDK
- Connected Plugin Registration Tool to my org (CRM 2013 Online)
- Installed the Profiler and started a Profile on my plugin
- Recreated the error to get the profile exception and clicked on download log
- Clicked on the debug button back in Plugin Registration Tools
- Selected my assembly and the log file I just downloaded
- Attached Visual Studio to plugin registration tool
- Clicked on start execution
- Profiler logs out:
Profiler> Profiler AppDomain Unloaded
- But I get the above error
I have checked the following is correct:
- It's the correct log file with the profile trace. I have opened it to make sure it's not just a business process exception trace file
- I have redeployed my plugin DLL to make sure I don't have a version mismatch
- When starting up the profiler debug it finds the correct plugin in the drop down when you select the assembly, and it also automatically selects it... but still throws the above error
- The plugin definitely exists. I haven't accidentally attached a wrong DLL or anything.
The only thing I can think of that I'm doing differently is I am merging 2 DLLs (using ILMerge) as I am also using a 3rd party DLL. But it doesn't matter which DLL I pick it always throws the above error.
Has anyone got any other ideas for me?
Thanks in advance!