What can developers expect from Dynamics 365?
Open Popup like CRM
Hi all,
I am using Dynamic CRM Online.
How can i open a quick create form on click of new button using javascript.
CRM 2016 Online - New set of Out of Box Actions
With CRM 2016 Online (I dont have on-premise instance so cannot confirm this for on-premise) has introduced set of pre-built actions that can be called from Workflow.
Following is list of these actions. I am not able to find any documentation as what functionality does each of these actions server. Please let us know if any of you have came across such documents.
List of Actions in Workflow Designer |
Accept Proposed Booking |
AcceptTeamRecommendation |
Add Invoice Line Details |
Apply work template |
Approval Status Approve |
Approval Status Reject |
AssignGenericResource |
AutoGenerateProjectTeam |
BulkCreatePredecessorsForTask |
BulkDeletePredecessorsForTask |
CloseAllOpportunityQuotes |
CloseQuoteAsLost |
CloseQuoteAsWon |
CompleteResourceRequest |
Copy Project |
Copy Related Project Entities From Template |
Copy WBS To Project |
Create Contract Line Details From Estimate |
Create Contract Specific Price List |
CreateEstimateLines |
CreateEstimatesForProjectTask |
CreateExtensionRequirement |
Create Quote From Opportunity |
Create Quote Line Details From Estimate |
Create Quote Specific Price List |
Create Request From Requirement |
Create Task Based Estimates For Project |
Create Template From Project |
DeleteEstimateLines |
DeleteEstimatesForProjectTask |
ExpenseApproveAction |
ExpenseEntriesApprove |
ExpenseEntriesPendingApproval |
ExpenseEntriesRecall |
ExpenseEntriesReject |
ExpenseEntriesSubmit |
ExpenseRejectAction |
ExpenseSubmitAction |
ExportActual |
FetchProjectCalendarWorkHours |
Field Service - System Action |
Generate Contract Line Invoice Schedule |
Generate Contract Line Schedule Of Values |
Generate QuoteLine Invoice Schedule |
Generate Quote Line Schedule Of Values |
GetBookingDetailsByResource |
GetCollectionData |
GetContractLineChargeability |
GetDataForContractPerformance |
GetDataForRadialGauge |
GetGenericResourceDetails |
GetMyChangedSkills |
GetPrice |
GetProjectCoparticipation |
GetProjectCurrencies |
GetProjectDetails |
Get Project Map For Contract Line |
Get Project Map For Quote Line |
GetProjects |
GetProjectsForContract |
GetProjectsForQuote |
Get Project Task Categories |
GetQuoteLineChargeability |
Get Resource Availability |
GetResourceAvailabilitySummary |
GetResourceBookingByProject |
Get Resource Demand TimeLine |
GetTimelineData |
GetTransactionUnitPrices |
IndentWBSTask |
Invoice Paid |
Invoice Recalculate |
IsProjectTemplatesView |
JoinProjectTeam |
Load Fact Table (Estimate) |
LogFindWorkEvent |
MoveDownWBSTask |
MoveUpWBSTask |
New Invoice (Contract) |
OutdentWBSTask |
Post Invoice |
Post Journal |
Project Team Member Sign-Up Process |
ReadEstimateLines |
RecommendWork |
Reject Proposed Booking |
ResAssignResourcesForTask |
ResGetResourceDetail |
Resource Assignment Detail Update |
ResourceReservationCancel |
ResourceUtilization |
ResourceUtilizationChart |
SetDefaultRole |
TimeEntriesApprove |
TimeEntriesCopyPaste |
TimeEntriesPaste |
TimeEntriesPendingApproval |
TimeEntriesRecall |
TimeEntriesReject |
TimeEntriesSubmit |
UpdateAllEstimatesForProject |
UpdateChangedSkills |
UpdateEstimateLines |
Update Project Task |
Update Remaining Resource Requirement |
SetProcess |
SetWordTemplate |
MaKeer | myencounterwithcrm.wordpress.com |CRM2011 User Settings Utility |CRM2011 Lookup Preview |CRM2011 Lookup Attribute Mapping |CRM2011 TreeView Control (Beta) |CRM2011 N:N Entity View (Beta) |CRM 2011 Global Quick Search (Beta)
CRM form gets hanged/ freezed
Hi there,
Here is the issue I am facing.
1. Open any CRM form.
2. Go to Audit History.
3. Click on a record link.
4. Afterwards it keeps spinning and then even the manual page refresh wont help in resolving the problem.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Many Thanks,
CRM 2016 on premises plugin - 'Microsoft.Xrm.Client' not found
I have a custom workflow step (Snadbox) plugin in which I want to clone related records of the primary workflow entity,
but I get the error below when I run it.
Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.Xrm.Client, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified
Changed from Sandbox mode to None but error still present.
Thank you
CRM 2015: Disable Bulk Edit for all Entities based upon security privs
I was wondering if there was a way to effectively prevent Bulk Edit for ALL entities (i.e. one solution fits all entities simultaneously) or to prevent Bulk Edit for ALL entities based upon user security privs? I do not want to have to edit the ribbons for each individual entity.
Thanks in advance,
Jai Singh
dynamics crm 2015-2016 online & on-premise Opportunity form Insert web resource bug
I see there is issue while inserting web resource into Opportunity form as shown below. I added one web resource "CustomerNO" into Opportunity Form Summary tab under Currency field as shown below and I did configured the field to display in 1 line. The we resource has only one line text "test" in it. but some how that web resource doesn't stay in one row..i mean see below it take 6 rows by default as shown below. the form ignores the Number of rows that we configure into web resource field property as shown below.
can some one try and see if this is a Bug into system?? IE display this incorrect, but chrome seems to display this in one line.
I tried this with CRM 2015 On_premise and 2016 on-premise, but behaving similar. I also tried few other web resources, but having same trouble.
Async Plugin to detect duplicate on appointment create is not working : CRM 2011
Hi All,
I have created Post Async plugin to mark duplicate on appointment create but it is giving inconsistent behaviour (sometime working and sometime not) , my code is like this
We have some 7 fields on appointment form and on appointment create this plugin checks if any record with these values are already exist in the system if yes then update the current record.
Used LINQ query to check 7 parameters values(7 fields) in appointmentset and if its result count is greater than 1 than Mark current record as duplicate.
Do I need to use query paging to check duplicate in all appointments ??
If I change Async to Sync pre-operation and no update service call(as we can mark or update field bcoz its not yet updated in the DB) to mark duplicate then it works fine but we can not use Sync ??
In import appointment it is marking duplicate to all appointments even we dont have any original record in the system??
Please help ,
Note : We can not use OOB duplicate detection due to some existing system integration so we have to write plugin and it should be Async only.
Thank you ALL :)Detect Duplicate on create of activity and update it.CRM 2011 RU-8
Hi All,
I have to detect or identify duplicates on create of activity, via plugin. in our current CRM application whenever any appointment gets created , it is automatically creating multiple duplicates of the same.
and there are some column based on that we can identify and detect duplicates.
I thought the approach to write a plugin on create of appointment and get all the columns from target entity.
and use these columns values in query (Linq or Queryexpression) to retrieve all the duplicates (via early bind or retrievemultiple)
But there are thousands of appointment gets created so it may be a performance issue.
I also explored about RetrieveDuplicateRequest but there are only five rules we can publish in CRM 2011
Can we use direct SQL query in plugin to identify duplicates on the fly (on create).
Please help
MMC [NAP, web link to , Disk Management , AD manage cmd at cmdlet ]
MMC [NAP, web link to , Disk Management , AD manage cmd at cmdlet ]
go have a look at => attach screen shot please :
a) NAP adding to mmc , error and following reported to Microsoft failure
b) What web link to URL from and for this feature ?
c) Disk management indicating following computer name is configuring mine, then local and host is not mine ?
d) AD manage cmd not recognized on cmdlet ?
Appreciated in advance for your coming to help .
Displaying information from either one of the entity in single column for a custom view using FetchXML
I have a field called 'region' which is common in 'Account' entity and 'Contact' entity and I need to display in it in single column meaning, the region information should come from Account if it is not there then from Contact entity. But the information should be displayed in single column 'Region' in custom view.
Thanks in advance!
CRM 2015 to SSIS Migration
Hi All,
I am using the CRM 2015- On premises
I am going to Migrate from Data SQL server 2012 to CRM 2015. Using the Visual studio Data tools-2010.
I download the crm 2013 SDK add the XRM and CRM related dlls.
I successfully build the solution while run the package I am getting the following error
[Script Component [122]] Error: System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
File name: 'Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35'
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.ScriptComponentHost.HandleUserException(Exception e)
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.ScriptComponentHost.PreExecute()
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.ManagedComponentHost.HostPreExecute(IDTSManagedComponentWrapper100 wrapper)
WRN: Assembly binding logging is turned OFF.
To enable assembly bind failure logging, set the registry value [HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Fusion!EnableLog] (DWORD) to 1.
Note: There is some performance penalty associated with assembly bind failure logging.
To turn this feature off, remove the registry value [HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Fusion!EnableLog]."
Can you please someone help is suppot visual studio data tools for 2010 is it support or not?
MS CRM 2011- 2013 Upgrade issue:- Web resource new_contactmain contains a reference to the 2007 web service endpoint .
Hi All,
I am trying to upgrade MS CRM 2011 (UR18) to MS CRM 2013, and getting the below issue while importing the organization. We are using MS CRM 4.0 SOAP end point but these are working fine in MS CRM 2011 UR-18.
" Web resource new_contactmain contains a reference to the 2007 web service endpoint "
SOPA Endpoint which I am using is this: /mscrmservices/2007/crmservice.asmx.
How do I update it to the 2011 endpoint? Is it the Organization Service or the Organization Data Service? Is it the full URL? e.g. https://crmurl/orgname/2011/organization.svc
Update Currency Symbol of Money Fields - CRM 2016 JScript
We had the following script functioning 100% correctly in a CRM 2011 environment
function ChangeCurrencySymbol() { var Lookup = Xrm.Page.getAttribute('new_clientlookup').getValue(); var Guid = Lookup[0].id.substring(1, 37); var ODataQuery = oDataPath + "/new_clientSet?$select=TransactionCurrency_new_client/CurrencySymbol&$expand=TransactionCurrency_new_client&$filter=new_clientId eq guid'" + Guid + "'"; var QueryData = LibGetData(ODataQuery); if (QueryData.d.results.length > 0) { var currencySymbol = QueryData.d.results[0].TransactionCurrency_new_client.CurrencySymbol; // Looping through all currency controls on the form and sets the currency symbol. $.each($("span.ms-crm-Money-CurrencySymbol"), function () { this.textContent = currencySymbol; }); }
We have recently upgraded to CRM 2016 and this script no longer updates the additional money fields on the form with the currency symbol when the currency lookup is modified.
The currency lookup is automatically populated and we were updating all money fields with the new currency symbol on the form.
It appears that the class - ms-crm-Money-CurrencySymbol is no longer valid in CRM 2016. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Beginner in Microsoft CRM
Unable to cast object of type 'Microsoft.Crm.Reporting.DataExtension.Client.Fetch.FetchProxy' to type 'Microsoft.Crm.Sandbox.SandboxFetchProxy'.
Hi All,
I am trying to create a report in CRM Online where I am getting the following error
Unable to cast object of type 'Microsoft.Crm.Reporting.DataExtension.Client.Fetch.FetchProxy' to type 'Microsoft.Crm.Sandbox.SandboxFetchProxy'.
Here is what I am trying to do. We have a cost associated with appointment in which contact are added as required attendees. We want to track cost of appointment per account and the bills that have been raised against these account. For this I have created the following FetchXML
<fetch version="1.0" output-format="xml-platform" mapping="logical" distinct="false" aggregate="true"><entity name="appointment"><attribute name="new_cost" alias='new_cost' aggregate='sum' /><link-entity name="activityparty" from="activityid" to="activityid" alias="bd"><link-entity name="contact" from="contactid" to="partyid" alias="be"><link-entity name="account" from="accountid" to="parentcustomerid" alias="bf"><link-entity name="new_feesreferred" from="new_parentnameid" to="accountid" alias="bg"><attribute name="new_billed" alias='new_billed' aggregate='sum' /><attribute name="new_parentaccount" alias='new_parentaccount' groupby='true' /></link-entity></link-entity></link-entity></link-entity></entity></fetch>
I will much appreciate if anyone can help me in this or make any suggestions.
Add CRM User from a trusted domain
I have an account on a trusted domain to the domain that the CRM instance is in, there are a number of users from this domain that have access to CRM, but a number of accounts can't access across domains
Is there some AD group that accounts need to be a member of, or is there some other magic formula
Any help would be much appreciated
CRM 4, SQL Server and .Net developer using C#
change CRM Database name on live server
I want to change CRM Database name on live server. Please let me know the detailed steps.
Dependant Optionsets in SDK CRM 2016 online
cascading behaviour is not working it's throwing an error.
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of null at Object.SDK.DependentOptionSet.filterDependentField (https://etawesternauto.crm8.dynamics.com/%7B636053004660000369%7D/WebResources/wa_OptionsetSdk?ver=1123507842:71:54)
on the time of loading i come the web resource is not getting loaded.
can anybody give me idea what could be the wrong
I have customize json file as required with optionset value as in the system.
UII USD: Saving Data from Context.
Hi Everybody,
I have made the walkthrough from USD UII (configuration & development) and I´m facing a task that I didn´t found in any forum or blog: how to persist data from the context to the Dynamics CRM.
Has anybody an idea?
#Dynamics #CRM #USD #UII #UnifiedServiceDesk