I'm trying to use the Azure Service Bus integration for a two-way listener. I have a listener running and it is appearing in the azure portal under Relays, but when calling the service within a plugin I am getting the "50200: Bad Gateway" error.
Searching online there are people who have resolved this error by updating the ServiceBus assembly on the client side, but in this case the reference on the client side is inside the SDK assembly, so I upgraded that to the latest (sdk version 8.1 from may 2016), but the result is the same.
The one wrinkle that occurred during the setup was that in the plugin registration tool the Service Endpoint was configured and validated using the tool from the 2015 sdk which uses ACS, because the new tool (which uses SAS) wouldn't work on the TwoWay endpoint, even with the correct SAS connection string), but the validation and authentication test succeeded.
Anyone have success with this?