Hi there. I have an SSRS Report created using Visual Studio 2008 BIDS. It is essentially a contract document that prints the CRM 2011 Contract and Contract Lines as a document. The document consists of several datasets and for each dataset, a tablix. Each dataset is a page in the document (I have page breaks after each tablix). I have a number of filters for each dataset which determines which Contract Lines are going to be printed. The report is deployed to CRM as I want to selectively print individual records. This works absolutely fine when I have just the one Contract record in CRM . However, my problem is when I create another Contract/Contract Lines record in CRM and then select that one record to print the document, it pulls all the details from the other record. I understand why it is doing this because of the filters but how do I get it to print just the record I want?
I am not really a developer so any detail of exactly how to fix this would be of great help.