We are presently on CRM 2011 with RU6 (Testing RU12).
In production, we see a very strange issue where request contain parameters from other requests.
You can clearly see (See below example) the request to homepage has _CreateFromID, _createfromtype and other out of place parameters being injected into the query string. This happens occasionally on different machines in the load balance pool. After a we remove the machine from the pool and recycle the app pool, the issue vanishes.
Example from fiddler:
Fiddler trace to compare what the URL is passed when users hit the Opportunity view and receive the Review views.
This is the URL string that gets passed to the browser for a bad Oppty view
GET /_root/homepage.aspx?_CreateFromId=%7b98FFE3B5-9A29-E211-8E1C-00155D07AFFC%7d&_CreateFromType=3&_gridType=10058&etc=10058&id=%7b168060DB-4A65-E211-B194-00155D07AFFC%7d&pagemode=iframe&sitemappath=SFA%7cSFA%7cnav_oppts HTTP/1.1
This is the URL string for Review entity
GET /_root/homepage.aspx?etc=10058&pagemode=iframe&sitemappath=SFA%7cSFA%7cava_deal HTTP/1.1
This is correct Oppty entity view
GET /_root/homepage.aspx?etc=3&pagemode=iframe&sitemappath=SFA%7cSFA%7cnav_oppts HTTP/1.1
As a temporary work around we disabled parameter checking so the end users do not see an ugly error message about the parameter errors. However, the users still are being re-directed to incorrect views (Example, every view goes to My Opportunities).
I imagine setting the app pool to recycle more often would resolve the problem but that does not seem to be a proper fix.
We escalated the issue to PSS and we were unable to determine the cause.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance!