I am having an issue parsing inside a plug-in the content of an XML web resource when the latter is deployed through the dev toolkit in VS2012.
To add the web resource:
- right click "CrmPackage" and select "Add"-> Add New
- select xml file from the CRM items and name the file
- the file opens is VS editor with xml directive
- add some xml "<test>aaa</test>"
To read the web resource content:
Entity resource = serviceResult.Entities[0];
byte[] byteContent = Convert.FromBase64String((string)resource["content"]);
string content = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(byteContent);
The first character appears to be  instead of the "<" of the xml directive.
Is this a known issue of the Toolkit and what would be the work-around? I'd still like to deploy the xml resources through the toolkit and possibly without having to check in my code for illegal characters.