What is the best way to add a form to CRM that will allow me to submit a backend process? My CRM application has a major integration component where I am keeping 100 to 200 thousand records in sync between a legacy application and CRM. Every 30-minutes I have a process to kick off and sync anything that has been updated since the last sync. However, if a user wants to immedately update a given record and have it sync with the legacy application, they certainly should be able to do so. I have my own web service setup where you can pass in an id and it will sync CRM with the legacy application for the records that match that id. That way the user's do not have to wait the 30-minutes if they need something sync'd immedately.
So my question is, in CRM where should I allow a user to enter the id number and submit the sync? I can wire it into the entity that will be updated, but sometimes I want to run the update across whole sets of records. So I would like a little form where they can enter the id, a group id, or select them from a list.
I get that I could create a ribbon button and allow the users to fire it from an entity or a view where they have selected all of the entities they want refreshed. But I want something a little more simple than that. Or at least I think I do. I am open to ideas.
I think I need a custom web-resource where I build an HTML page to handle this. Then add a button to fire off the webpage and add that to the ribbon or sitemap. But it would be much easier if I could add a new entity and do this from there. But I don't see how that would work. If I could add it as a new entity, I could use a plugin to fire off the process when the entity is added. But I am not sure that would fit my needs.
So I would like to get some ideas on how others might approach this. If you wanted to add an admin function to reload data, how would you go about adding it to CRM to allow an admin user to fire it off? The old app used a seperate web applicaiton just for this. I would like to bring it into CRM so I don't have to maintain a seperate app.
Best regards,
Jon Gregory Rothlander