Hello everyone,
I have an error happens at Xrm.Page.data.save(saveOptions).then(successCallback, errorCallback) function.
My situation is like following:
- I have a plugin that checks for some business rule at (Service Appointment) form.
- Business Rule is to prevent any user of creating new (Service Appointment) if he is already have another (Scheduled) one.
- I created the plugin as (PreCreate) to run before save new (Service Appointment)
- Plugin working normally, and throw (InvalidPluginExecutionException) when business rule is violated
- Now I wrote a JavaScript to handle (InvalidPluginExecutionException) to show error message as a Form notification using ( Xrm.Page.ui.setFormNotification)
- I attached that new JavaScript to (Service Appointment) Form to be fired (OnSave) event.
- Following code clarify the JavaScript code
function StartSave() { //======================================================== //Clear old notifications Xrm.Page.ui.clearFormNotification(); //Save Form data Xrm.Page.data.save().then(SuccessCallback, ErrorCallback); }
- Now error happens at (Xrm.Page.data.save().then). Error is (Unable to get property 'then' of undefined or null reference).
I don't know why this error happens and how to know its root cause. Is OnSave event is not correct??
I used following links samples to mimic its behavior:
- http://missdynamicscrm.blogspot.sg/2015/06/field-required-mandatory-crm-ribbon-onsave-action-javascript.html
- http://missdynamicscrm.blogspot.com/2015/06/pass-plugin-context-message-c-exception-to-crm-javascript-ribbon.html
- http://missdynamicscrm.blogspot.com/2015/06/convert-crm-plugin-message-to-crm-alert-form-notification-javascript-from-plugin-csharp.html?m=1
I use CRM 2015 on Premise.
Thanks in advance.
Kind Regards,
Wa'el Mohsen