New to Plugin coding and need help figuring out how to derive a lookup fromone entity to another entity
Document Queue (vbs_crm_documentqueue)
- Connect to Document XREF (vbs_vbs_crm_documentincidentxref) via concatenation of Category – SubCategory
- Primary Field - vbs_documenttypecd_subtypecd
- Returning Below
- Rule Department (LOOKUP TO Rule Department)
- Rule Category (LOOKUP TO Rule Category)
- Rule SubCategory (LOOKUP TO SubCategory)
- Trying to Populate above Retrieved LOOKUP’s back into Document Queue which has the same Exact lookup fields
- Rule Department (LOOKUP TO Rule Department)
- Rule Category (LOOKUP TO Rule Category)
- Rule SubCategory (LOOKUP TO SubCategory)
- Trying to Populate above Retrieved LOOKUP’s back into Document Queue which has the same Exact lookup fields
Service.Update highlighted below is ABORTING!!!
// Link to Entity VBS_CRM_DocumentIncidentXREF to retrieve Department, Category, SubCategory
ConditionExpression condition =newConditionExpression();
condition.AttributeName = "vbs_documenttypecd_subtypecd";
condition.Operator = ConditionOperator.Equal;
//create a column set.
ColumnSet columns =newColumnSet("vbs_documenttypecd_subtypecd" , "vbs_ruledepartmentid","vbs_rulecategoryid","vbs_rulesubcategoryid");
//Create query expression
QueryExpression query1 =newQueryExpression();
query1.ColumnSet = columns;
query1.EntityName = "vbs_vbs_crm_documentincidentxref";
EntityCollection result1 = service.RetrieveMultiple(query1);
int result1count = result1.Entities.Count;
if (result1count == 1)
var r = result1.Entities[0];
foreach(var c in r.Attributes)
if (r.Attributes.Contains("vbs_ruledepartmentid"))
Guid deptGUID = ((EntityReference)r.Attributes["vbs_ruledepartmentid"]).Id;
docqueue.Attributes["vbs_ruledepartmentid"] = deptGUID;
if (r.Attributes.Contains("vbs_rulecategoryid"))
Guid catGUID = ((EntityReference)r.Attributes["vbs_rulecategoryid"]).Id;
string cat = ((EntityReference)r.Attributes["vbs_rulecategoryid"]).Name;
docqueue.Attributes["vbs_rulecategory"] = catGUID;
docqueue.Attributes["vbs_category"] = cat;
if (r.Attributes.Contains("vbs_rulesubcategoryid"))
Guid subcatGUID = ((EntityReference)r.Attributes["vbs_rulesubcategoryid"]).Id;
string subcat = ((EntityReference)r.Attributes["vbs_rulesubcategoryid"]).Name;
docqueue.Attributes["vbs_rulesubcategoryid"] = subcatGUID;
docqueue.Attributes["vbs_subcategory"] = subcat;
// service.Update(docqueue);